I'm a software engineer based in ⛰Barcelona 🌊 with over 8 years of experience in the software industry.

My focus area for the past 4 years has been front-end development with React, about half of it paired with Typescript.

I love building clean, usable and accessible UIs, both on the user-facing and dev-facing sides. I enjoy working in agile teams with fast, ever-improving processes. I'm great at working with very little instructions, asking questions, spec'ing stories and finding loose ends.

I'm looking for a collaborative, cross-functional team where I can continue growing my career, learning from those around me and having fun while we build great features together.

☎️ Contact information

📧 [email protected]

🐦 @deutschevita

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👩🏻‍💻 Work experience

Software Engineer II

Typeform, Barcelona, Spain – (Dec 2017 - Present)

Full-stack engineer in the team responsible for integrations and developer tools. We're in charge of defining and improving the developer experience with Typeform's platform.

Defined and built a framework for integrations that allows any external party to build and run applications on top of Typeform's platform, thus potentially enhancing it even beyond our vision.

Led the efforts to re-build our front-ends for OAuth applications, Personal Tokens and Webhooks from scratch using React and Redux.

Contributed to our back-end services for webhooks and integrations built in Node.js (Express/Hapi) and GoLang with PostgreSQL.